FUNCTIONS A shell function, defined as described above under SHELL GRAMMAR, stores a series of commands for later execution. When the name of a shell function is used as a simple command name, the list of commands associated with that function name is executed. Functions are executed in the context of the current shell; no new process is created to in‐ terpret them (contrast this with the execution of a shell script). When a function is executed, the arguments to the function become the positional parameters during its execution. The special parameter # is updated to reflect the change. Special parameter 0 is unchanged. The first element of the FUNCNAME variable is set to the name of the func‐ tion while the function is executing. All other aspects of the shell execution environment are identical be‐ tween a function and its caller with these exceptions: the DEBUG and RETURN traps (see the description of the trap builtin under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below) are not inherited unless the function has been given the trace attribute (see the description of the declare builtin below) or the -o functrace shell option has been enabled with the set builtin (in which case all functions inherit the DEBUG and RETURN traps), and the ERR trap is not inherited unless the -o errtrace shell option has been enabled. Variables local to the function may be declared with the local builtin command (local variables). Ordinarily, variables and their values are shared between the function and its caller. If a variable is declared local, the variable's visible scope is restricted to that function and its children (including the functions it calls). In the following description, the current scope is a currently- execut‐ ing function. Previous scopes consist of that function's caller and so on, back to the "global" scope, where the shell is not executing any shell function. Consequently, a local variable at the current scope is a variable declared using the local or declare builtins in the function that is currently executing. Local variables "shadow" variables with the same name declared at pre‐ vious scopes. For instance, a local variable declared in a function hides a global variable of the same name: references and assignments refer to the local variable, leaving the global variable unmodified. When the function returns, the global variable is once again visible. The shell uses dynamic scoping to control a variable's visibility within functions. With dynamic scoping, visible variables and their values are a result of the sequence of function calls that caused exe‐ cution to reach the current function. The value of a variable that a function sees depends on its value within its caller, if any, whether that caller is the "global" scope or another shell function. This is also the value that a local variable declaration "shadows", and the value that is restored when the function returns. For example, if a variable var is declared as local in function func1, and func1 calls another function func2, references to var made from within func2 will resolve to the local variable var from func1, shadow‐ ing any global variable named var. The unset builtin also acts using the same dynamic scope: if a variable is local to the current scope, unset will unset it; otherwise the unset will refer to the variable found in any calling scope as described above. If a variable at the current local scope is unset, it will re‐ main so (appearing as unset) until it is reset in that scope or until the function returns. Once the function returns, any instance of the variable at a previous scope will become visible. If the unset acts on a variable at a previous scope, any instance of a variable with that name that had been shadowed will become visible (see below how the lo‐ calvar_unset shell option changes this behavior). The FUNCNEST variable, if set to a numeric value greater than 0, de‐ fines a maximum function nesting level. Function invocations that ex‐ ceed the limit cause the entire command to abort. If the builtin command return is executed in a function, the function completes and execution resumes with the next command after the func‐ tion call. Any command associated with the RETURN trap is executed be‐ fore execution resumes. When a function completes, the values of the positional parameters and the special parameter # are restored to the values they had prior to the function's execution. Function names and definitions may be listed with the -f option to the declare or typeset builtin commands. The -F option to declare or type‐ set will list the function names only (and optionally the source file and line number, if the extdebug shell option is enabled). Functions may be exported so that child shell processes (those created when exe‐ cuting a separate shell invocation) automatically have them defined with the -f option to the export builtin. A function definition may be deleted using the -f option to the unset builtin. Functions may be recursive. The FUNCNEST variable may be used to limit the depth of the function call stack and restrict the number of func‐ tion invocations. By default, no limit is imposed on the number of re‐ cursive calls.